A Short History of The Argentinians - Booket

A Short History of The Argentinians - Booket


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Félix Luna Occupies a Place That is Just as Singular as it is Essential For Those of us Who Are Committed to The Knowledge And Spread of History. He Wrote Several Remarkable Books Among Which I Have Chosen Two That Are in my Opinion Outstanding: El 45 And Ortiz. He Also Promoted a Fundamental Undertaking Todo es Historia Significant in Attracting Fresh Readers And Encouraging New Researchers Who Enjoyed The Opportunity to Rub Shoulders in This Monthly Publication With The Most Prominent Historians of The Moment. This Delightful Book First Published in 1993 is The Slightly Edited Version of The Sixteen Lectures of a Course Luna Had Just Taught And The Traces of Orality Are Part of Its Appeal. It Shows Two of His Singular Facets. The First is The Ability to Create an Intelligent Synthesis of Four Centuries of Argentine History Which is an Extremely Difficult Task For The Specialized Historian. The Second is The Skill For Presenting The Result in a Way That Attracts And Captivates His Readers. Luis Alberto Romero.