Argentine Textiles - Jorge Mari / Enrique Taranto

Argentine Textiles - Jorge Mari / Enrique Taranto


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Argentine Textiles: Pre Hispanic Weaving · The Conquest · The Materials · Spinning · Dyeing · Plants Used As Dyes · Looms · Aboriginal Looms · Looms of European Origin · Other Looms · Auxiliary Tools · Weaving Techniques · Ponchos · Parts of The Poncho · Ponchos From The North · Ponchos From The South · Jesuitical Ponchos · Other Ponchos · Crosses Steps And Rhombuses · Matra · Ristro · Jergón · Pelero · Caronillas · Cojinillos · Llicllas And Awayos · Sashes · Sashes From The North · Sashes From The South · Blankets · Rugs · Wall Hangings · Randa And Ñandutí · Textiles And Design · Bibliography · Index 'The Gaucho Knows How to Make His Bed on The Open Plain With The Sky O’Erhead. When Some Grassy Spot By The Trail He’S Found he Spreads His Saddle Gear on The Ground The Leather ‘Carona’ First Then Next The ‘Lomillo’ For His Pillow’S Fixed And The Woolly Pelt of The Saddle Seat Covers All Like a Mattress Soft And Sweet Then Wrapped in His ‘Poncho’ Against The Dew he Sleeps Safe And Sound The Whole Night Through. ' José Hernández Martín Fierro