Buenos Aires Map Guide Segunda Edición - Julián de Dios

Buenos Aires Map Guide Segunda Edición - Julián de Dios


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A Map Guide With Everything a Visitor Needs to Know to Enjoy Buenos Aires. With The CityS 100 Must Sites: Attractions Museums Restaurants Bars Tours And Shopping Fully Reviewed And Updated. A Brief Description of The Most Outstanding Districts And Neighborhoods to Organize Your Visit According to Your Interests. A Plan by The Hour to Enjoy a Perfect Weekend And 3 Nearby Getaways For Those Willing to Get Close to Argentinian Traditions. A Selection of Buenos Aires 65 Unforgettable Experiences: Such as The Most Genuine Cafés of The City The Best Tango Milongas And Bodegon” Restaurants or Recommended Guided Tours. Includes Practical Information Useful Phone Numbers A Subway Map And a Large Dropdown Scale Map. ISBN: 9789879445587