The Penguin Protector. Experiences As An Antarctic Expedition Guide
The Penguin Protector. Experiences As An Antarctic Expedition Guide
The Penguin Protector. Experiences As An Antarctic Expedition Guide
The Penguin Protector. Experiences As An Antarctic Expedition Guide

The Penguin Protector. Experiences As An Antarctic Expedition Guide


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Penguins are a fascination for tens of thousands of tourists who invest time and money to meet them personally in their own habitat, where humans are visitors and penguins are the true inhabitants. Antarctica is more than we can imagine; it is more than the seventh continent. It is more than a place of extremes - the coldest, windiest, driest, and least inhabited place on earth, unknown, mountainous, and heroic. It is a place that offers us the opportunity to connect with ourselves, to see and get to know ourselves, to reflect, and to change. Through reading this book, you will learn about tourism in Antarctica, its regulations, and the penguins. But you will also witness the author’s transformation through contact with nature there. By carefully observing how his beloved penguins live, he comes to realize that the laws of nature are wiser than human laws. That is why he personifies these birds, placing them at the center of his narrative. He considers them the true inhabitants of Antarctica on the same level as humans, and this leads him to reflect on the deeper meaning of life. From the very first encounter, he loves them as if they were his own children and, like children, he decides to protect them. He feels summoned by them, feels their call to action. And this will change his life forever. Before leaving Antarctica, he decides to share his reflections with those who have already be there or plan to visit. He believes that readers of his book, once they set foot on Antarctic soil and experience the same sensations, will also become Protectors of the Penguins